Monday Message - 2017-3

Dear Psychology Students, Alums, Faculty, Staff, and Supporters,

This week I ask you to consider how you treat yourself. Are you kind and gentle or harsh and critical? Are you your own worst enemy or your staunchest supporter? The ways you treat yourself have an influence on the way you treat others. 

Recall the times when you felt grounded and calm. How did you treat others at that time? My guess is that you had a little more patience for others. Recall the times when you felt crabby, impatient, and just yucky. My guess is that you were quick to criticize others and probably had little patience for them.

So, this week observe your own treatment of yourself and how it influences your treatment of others. There are lots of self-care activities you can engage in to improve your treatment of yourself: eat something healthy (stop by the PSY office 151 any time for a handful of nuts); walk in the fresh air, stare off into space for a few minutes and just breathe. 

Also, come hear an expert, Swami Chaitanya, on how  all forms of violence are born of self-violence, self-resistance, and a belief that we are separate from others. Mr. Chaitanya is also a philosophy and meditation teacher at the Ayur-Yoga Eco Ashram in Mysore, India. 

Dr. Dyer
